Wednesday, 16 May 2012


By Felix Engsalige Nyaaba
A Nigeria young lady who was arrested by police last Sunday for engaging in the sale of narcotic drugs known as India Hemps (Wee) at the Kwame Nkrumah Circle area in Accra was yesterday convicted and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment in harbor by an Accra Circuit Court.
The convicts, Moreen Moses, a trader was sentenced on her r own plea of guilty to one count of possessing narcotic drug without license by the Ministry of health or without lawful authority.
The court presided over by Miss Audrey Korcuvie-Tay, before handing over the 10 years jail term to the convict said, it would serve as deterrent to others who engaged in such nefarious trade in the4 country.
The court held that, although they pleaded guilty to the crime, the sentence handed over to the two convicts would serve as deterrent to others.
She said, it was disturbing to see a young lady as that of  the convict indulged n such illicit drugs business , saying the court would not discriminate in passing the sentence and handed the 10 years which is  the minimum jail term for narcotic to the  young lady.
The court yesterday also ordered that, the quantity of the Indian Hemps found on the convict be destroyed in the presence of the Curt registrar and the police.
The prosecutor , Chief Inspector Johnson.K.Anim, told the court that, on May 4, this year at about 6:30 pm,  two police officers stationed sat the Neoplan police post  were on their official observation duty in and around the Kwame Nkrumah Circle and its environs in Accra.
He said, the two police officers spotted the convict at the “Obra” spot area at Kwame Nkrumah Circle, holding a brown ladies bag and a young man who was in the company of the police upon seeing the convict whom he knew, called her but she took to her heels.
The prosecutor noted that, the two police officers became suspicious and pursued her and had her arrested  just a distance  and when her hand bag was searched, the police found quantity of dried leaves suspected to be Indian Hemps , a pair of scissor, two king size wrappers ,  two lighters and some  pieces of  brown papers.
Chief Inspector Anim said, the two police officers interrogated the convict and she admitted ownership of the bag containing the dried leaves as well as the other items found in the bag.
According to the prosecutor, the convict was then arrested and taken to the Kaneshies police station where she was detained for investigation and the dried leaves suspected to be India Hemps was sent to the Ghana Standard Authority for examination and report.
The police however, prepared the convict for court for the crime while awaiting the report from the Standard Authority.

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