Friday 13 September 2013


By Felix Engsalige Nyaaba

Twenty-six  revenue collectors, including 12 women  of the Ledzokuku Municipal Assembly (LEKMA) have been  dismissed  for indulging in various financial malpractices leading to the loss of total revenue of GHC591.442.95,LEKMA  sources told the Enquirer yesterday.
16 collectors were summarily dismissed, while the rest are under interdiction pending further investigation by the police for prosecution.
In addition, two Revenue Superintendents have also been interdicted for alleged gross negligence, leading to the huge financial loss to the assembly.
The suspects were caught when internal auditors of the assembly conducted exercises recently.
The investigation by the internal auditors, revealed malpractices involving the exchange of cheques for cash and the use of under carbon receipts among other deals, to deny the assembly of its legitimate revenue.
The sources further told this reporter that, four of the interdicted have embellezzed a total sum of GHC229, 439.83 through their nefarious activities.
It said the issue of financial embellezzing came to light when internal auditors during their routing exercises detected that some of the official receipts which are been issued to clients of the assembly after payment of various services could not be accounted for.
Following that mind boggling discovery, the auditors then embarked on an exercises in the field on random sampling to find out the root causes of the unexplained revenue leakages of the assembly.
The sources noted that in order to establish the true and proper variance of the receipt book, the auditors  took a total of  each receipt calculated as the number of receipt books used, multiplied by the number of receipts per book which  brought to the total of 100 per book.
It further explained that, the auditors with the total number then divided by the number of receipts gathered from the field and the outcome was multiplied by the shortfall to arrive at the variances of losses.
The sources indicated that one revenue officer was issued with five receipts booklets, which have a total of 500 receipts and when the auditors sampled from the field, they discovered 33 variance receipts which was divided by the 500 receipt and a total of 1090 receipts with a revenue total of GHC16, 515.15 was found to have gone into to such individual officer’s pocket.
The internal auditor’s reports sighted by this paper revealed that the dismissed as well as the interdicted officers batched home not less than GHC2, 500.00 and GHC76, 281.48 between the year 2011 and 2012.
On the issue of the exchange of cheques to cash, the sources told the Enquirer investigator that an officer who supposed to collect a total cheque of GHC46, 008.07 end up collecting GHC26, 055.91 cash with the variance of GHC19, 952.16 going into his pocket.
Two of the interdicted officers who work in the same premises connived and embezzled a total amount of GHC229, 439.83.
The sources however said, “investigation into the matter has already commenced and their dismissal and interdiction are to allow for an uninterrupted process, and that the names of the suspects have been withheld for the moment till investigation is concluded.
The Ledzokuku- Krowor Municipal Assembly (LEKMA) is one such clear example of a decentralized system that is making tremendous progress as a result of the local governance process.
 The assembly is only five years old and has since its creation in November, 2007 and subsequent inauguration on 28th February, 2008 under the Legislative Instrument (LI) 1865 made some outstanding progress.
 It is the highest revenue generator in the Greater Accra Region after the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) and the Tema Metropolitan Assembly (TMA) respectively and is also arguably one of the fastest growing and finest examples of self sustaining new assemblies in the country.

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